Talent & Work Visas

Short-term Work Visa

For those who meet the requirements for each category, a short-term work visa is normally granted for a period of up to 12 or 24 months, depending on the circumstances. Short-term work visas are classified as Tier 5 under the current Points-Based System, and the UK government has indicated that some of these routes will be opened up to EU nationals beginning in January 2021 and will continue to operate in the same manner as they do now.

The following are the current Tier 5 classifications:

  • Volunteer for a charitable organisation or as a religious worker
  • Worker on a Seasonal Basis
  • Creativity combined with athleticism
  • The Youth Mobility Program (YMP)
  • Agreement on a Global Scale
  • Exchange that has been authorised by the government


This category is for people who are coming to the United Kingdom to perform voluntary unpaid work for a charitable organisation. A Tier 5 sponsor licence is required if the work is directly related to the work of the applicant’s employer in the charitable sector. The applicant’s employer must also hold a Tier 5 sponsor licence. The maximum duration of a visa granted under this scheme is 12 months, and applicants must also meet the requirements for maintaining their status in the country.


Individuals who wish to come to the United Kingdom to engage in temporary religious work, such as preaching or working in a religious order, and who are sponsored by a religious organisation that has been approved by the Home Office can do so through this route. The maximum period of time for this type of leave is 24 months, and applicants must also meet the requirements for maintaining their residence. If the applicants are seeking a position for a longer period of time and/or intend to engage in preaching and pastoral work, they should consider applying under the Tier 2 Minister of Religion classification.


This route is intended for workers who wish to come to the United Kingdom to perform farm work for a maximum of six months. The applicants must be sponsored by an organisation that has been approved by the Home Office as a Tier 5 sponsor, and they must also meet the requirements for ongoing maintenance. The government has stated that this route will remain in place and will provide employers with additional flexibility in the future when hiring individuals for lower-skilled positions.


The category of creative and sporting workers includes people who are coming to the United Kingdom to work or perform as athletes, entertainers, or creative artists. This visa is granted to athletes for a maximum of 12 months and there is no possibility of an extension during that time period. This leave is initially granted for 12 months, with the option to extend it for a total of up to 24 months if the applicant is a creative professional. If you want to be considered as a sportsperson, you must have made a significant contribution to your sport at the highest level in the United Kingdom, be sponsored by a Home Office approved sponsor, and meet all of the necessary requirements for maintenance. In addition, applicants from the creative sector must make a significant and distinct contribution to the UK labour market, and they must meet the minimum salary requirements set by Equity, Pact, or BECTU (with some exceptions), as well as the maintenance requirements.


Individuals from selected countries between the ages of 18 and 30 who wish to visit, live, and work in the United Kingdom for a period of up to two years are eligible to apply under this scheme. The applicants must be citizens of one of the following countries: Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, or Taiwan. Aside from that, this scheme is open to all British overseas citizens, citizens of overseas territories, and British nationals residing in other countries who were born in the United Kingdom. This scheme can only be applied for once, and applicants who have previously applied for the old Working Holiday Maker scheme, or who have children who live with them or for whom they are financially responsible, will not be eligible for this scheme. This application must be submitted from the applicant’s home country, and no dependants are permitted to accompany the main applicant on this application.


This scheme is intended for people who are coming to the United Kingdom on a contract to perform work that is covered by international law while they are in the country. This includes employees covered by the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and similar agreements, as well as employees of foreign governments and international organisations, as well as private servants in diplomatic residences and embassies. The employers are required to issue a Certificate of Status, and the applicants are required to meet maintenance requirements.


Individuals who wish to come to the United Kingdom for a short period of time to undertake work experience or training, an overseas government language programme, research, or a fellowship through an approved government authorised exchange scheme are eligible to apply for this visa. The UK government has established a number of approved GAE programmes, and applicants and their employers are required to contact the overarching body in charge of the schemes in order to obtain approval before submitting a visa application to the country. Can we be of assistance?